
How To Clear Voice Mailbox On Iphone

Voicemail is full on your iPhone and you're not sure why. The voicemail menu is empty in the Phone app, but your inbox is still full. In this article, I'll explain why your iPhone voicemail is full and show you how to fix the problem!

Why Is My Voicemail Full?

Most of the time, your iPhone voicemail is full because the voicemails you deleted on your iPhone are still being stored somewhere else. Most of the time, those voicemails are still being stored with your carrier.

Call into your voicemail on your iPhone and play your voicemails. At the end of each voicemail, press the number designated for deleting voicemails. This will erase the messages saved by your carrier and free up space in your voicemail inbox.

If your voicemail is still full, follow the step-by-step guide below!

How To Delete Voicemail On Your iPhone

If you haven't already, delete the voicemails currently stored on your iPhone. To do this, open Phone and tapVoicemail. Then, tapEdit in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Tap on the voicemails you'd like to delete.

edit voicemail inbox on iphone

TapDelete in the lower right-hand corner of the screen when you've selected all the voicemails you'd like to erase.

delete voicemail on iphone

Clear All Deleted Messages

Even when you delete a voicemail on your iPhone, it's not necessarily erased entirely. Your iPhone saves your recently deleted messages, just in case you've made a mistake and erased an important one. However, this means a lot of deleted messages can pile up and fill your voicemail inbox.

Open Phone and tap on the Voicemail icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Scroll down and tapDeleted Messages. Tap Clear All in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Tap Clear All again to permanently erase your deleted messages.

clear all deleted voicemail messages

Clear All Blocked Voicemails

Voicemails from blocked numbers can take up space in your inbox too. Many iPhone users don't realize that blocked numbers can still leave messages. These types of messages won't show up in your list of voicemails, but they can still take up space without you knowing it!

To delete block messages, open Phone and tapVoicemail. Tap onBlocked Messages, then delete the ones you don't want.

Contact Your Wireless Carrier

If your voicemail inbox is still full, it's time to contact your wireless carrier for help. You may need to call in and reset your mailbox.

Here are the customer support numbers for the top 4 wireless carriers:

  • Verizon: 1-800-922-0204
  • AT&T: 1-800-331-0500
  • T-Mobile: 1-800-937-8997
  • Sprint: (888) 211-4727

Just let them know that your iPhone voicemail is full and they'll help you fix the problem!

You've Got Voicemail!

You've fixed the problem and your voicemail inbox is clear. Make sure to share this article on social media to teach your friends and family what to do when their iPhone voicemail is full. Leave any other questions you have about your iPhone in the comments section below.

How To Clear Voice Mailbox On Iphone


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